Vegetables Plus – 60 Capsules
Quantity | Unit price | Base price |
To 1 |
€421.11* / 1 kg |
To 3 |
€398.89* / 1 kg |
To 5 |
€376.67* / 1 kg |
From 6 |
€354.44* / 1 kg |
Vegetables Plus – 60 Capsules
Carefully concentrated: a large plate of vegetables - day after day
Everyone knows: vegetables are healthy. This alone would be a reason to put it on the menu as often as possible. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends 650 grams of vegetables and fruit a day. She recommends five servings a day, three of which should be vegetables or salads. Is that actually possible?
The variety of natural vital substances in vegetables appeals to the immune system and can support the body in the long term. The contained secondary plant substances serve to protect the vegetable plants from predators and diseases, but are also beneficial for their growth and the formation of fragrances and colourants.
Indispensable for a healthy and balanced diet
Vitamins naturally found in vegetables can support our metabolism. Their task is to break down or convert carbohydrates, proteins (protein) and minerals. In addition, vitamins strengthen the immune system and are an important component for cell structure and the formation of blood cells. Minerals are essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth.
High quality vegetable powder
- with all the vitamins, enzymes and plant substances from delicious vegetables
- plus Q10, enzymes and probiotic bacteria
- rich in content with extra vitamins
- vegetarian
- gluten free, lactose free
- without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide
Application area: | Anti-Aging, Beauty, Energy, Immune system, Tissue Health |
Compatibility: | Fish-free, Lactose free, Nut free, Soy free, Without gluten |
Dosage form: | Capsules |
2 Kapseln Gemüse Plus enthalten / NRV*: |
Vitamin B1 0,82mg / 75% |
Vitamin B2 0,8mg / 57% |
Vitamin B6 0,82mg / 59% |
Vitamin B12 30µg / 1200% |
Niacin 10mg / 63% |
Pantothensäure 6,4mg / 107% |
Folsäure 200µg / 100% |
Vitamin E 21mg / 175% |
Zink 4mg / 40% |
Selen 50µg / 91% |
Beta-Carotin 2mg entspricht Vitamin A 333µg / 42% |
Cholin 4mg |
Inositol 4mg |
L-Arginin 4,1mg |
L-Lysin 4mg |
Karottenpulver 100mg |
Lycopin Beadlets 8mg davon Lycopin 1,6mg |
Grüner Tee Extrakt 50mg davon Polyphenole 25mg |
Spinatpulver 50mg |
Brokkolipulver 50mg |
Paprikapulver 40mg |
Artischocken-Extrakt 40mg davon Cynarin 1mg |
Grünkohlpulver 40mg |
Petersilienpulver 30mg |
Knoblauch-Extrakt 100:1 20mg aus Knoblauch 2g |
Bromelain (48 FIP / 24 GDU) 20mg |
Apfelpektin 20mg |
Spirulina platensis Pulver 10mg |
Chlorella Pulver 10mg |
Papain 10mg (35 FIP / 350 000 USP) |
Papaya Pulver 10mg |
Inulin 10mg |
Co-Enzym Q10 10mg |
Tagetes-Extrakt 10mg davon Lutein 2mg davon Zeaxanthin 0,25mg |
Bifidobacterium lactis 2,5 Mrd. (2,5 x 10^9 KBE) 5mg |
Lactobacillus acidophilus 2,5 Mrd. (2,6 x 10^9 KBE) 12,5mg |
* NRV: Nutrient reference values (Referenzmengen) laut Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1169/2011
Food Chemical Codex, Enzymaktivitätseinheit:
FIP = Fédération Internationale Phamaceutique
GDU = Gelatin Digesting Units
USP = United States Pharmacopeia
KBE = Koloniebildende Einheiten
Zutaten: Überzugsmittel Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Kapselhülle), Acerola-
Pulver (25% Vitamin C), Magnesiumcitrat, Füllstoff mikrokristalline Cellulose, Karottenpulver, Brokkoli-Gemüsepulver, Spinatblättepulver, Grüner Tee-Extrakt (50% Polyphenolen, 7% Koffein), D-alpha-Tocopherylacetat, Paprikapulver, Artischocken-Extrakt (mind. 2,5% Cynarin), Grünkohlpulver, Methylcobalamin, Petersilienpulver, Kaliumcitrat (36% Kalium), Selenhefe (0,2% Selen), Knoblauch-
Extrakt (100:1), Bromelainpulver (2,4 F.I.P./mg 1200 GDU/g), Apfelpektin, L-Leucin, Zinksulfat (22,5% Zink), Lactobacillus acidophilus (PBS066), Spirulina platensis Pulver, Chlorella-Algenpulver, Papain-Pulver (3,5 F.I.P/mg, 35000 USP E/mg), Papaya-Pulver, Inulin, Nicotinamid, Cholinbitartrat (40% Cholin), Beta-Carotin, Ubichinon, Tagetes-Extrakt (20% Lutein, 2,5% Zeaxanthin), Lycopin (Beadlets, 20% Lycopin aus Tomaten), Calcium-D-pantothenat, L-Lysin HCl, L-Arginin-HCl, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (BL-01), Inositol, Thiaminmononitrat, Pyridoxin-HCl, Riboflavin, Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure
2 Kapseln enthalten 3,5mg Koffein.
Abmessungen der Kapseln | |
Länge | 23mm |
Breite | 8mm |
Inhalt: 60 Kapseln
Erwachsene täglich 2 Kapseln mit viel Wasser.
Nicht geeignet für schwangere und stillende Frauen.
2 reviews
25 October 2011 13:50
In Kombination mit Obst Plus e...
In Kombination mit Obst Plus eine Nahrungsergänzung aus natürlichen Zutaten die das Immunsystem stärkt.
29 October 2010 09:46
Gemüse Plus ist ein ideales Na...
Gemüse Plus ist ein ideales Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Ich nehme es regelmäßig zu mir und muss wirklich sagen mein Immunsystem ist seitdem wesentlich fitter geworden (nehme auch noch Spirulina). Tolles Preis-Leistungsverhältnis!