Your large Fairvital blog provides you with suggestions around the topic of health and physical well-being: As Europe's largest online store for high-quality nutritional supplements, we would like to use our blog to give you an overview of the latest trends and innovations in the industry. Here you will find our professional tips for positive living. We look forward to welcoming you to this site and hope you enjoy reading.
Fitness Routine in Winter: How to Stay Active Even in the Cold
Winter is here! Dark days, cold temperatures, and cozy hours on the couch – for many, this means taking a break from their usual fitness routine.
Sleep Tips for a Strong Immune System
Today I want to talk about a topic that was important to me not only during my active career as a professional footballer but also now as a former player: good sleep. It’s not only crucial for the body’s recovery but also for the immune system, which protects us from illness.
How Regular Exercise Strengthens Your Immune System
When it comes to health, many people first think about diet and sufficient sleep. But do you know what’s just as important for a strong immune system? Exercise! And I'm not just talking about competitive sports. Regular physical activity, regardless of the level, is a key factor in boosting your immune system.
Nutrition Tips for a Strong Immune System
We all know that a healthy diet strengthens our well-being and boosts our energy. But did you know how crucial the right foods are for a strong immune system? From my time as a professional football player—and even now as a former player—I know how important it is to nourish the body as best as possible so that it stays in top shape and fends off infections.
Litti shows his favorite sports exercises.
In my active time on the field, I learned how important it is to stay fit and healthy—not just for sports, but also for daily life. After my career, I continued to pursue my passion for fitness and exercise, and today I would like to share some of my personal favorite exercises with you.
Healthy and Fit Through the Summer
I love summer! There is so much to do: bike tours, trips into nature, hikes, all in beautiful weather. If you haven't already planned a barbecue with friends, the question arises, "What should I eat today?" In summer, it's normal to have less appetite for large portions. On the other hand, it's still important to eat healthily and get enough essential nutrients to start the day full of energy!
Pierre Littbarski on the Beauty of Japan
I lived in Japan for a total of 10 years. Thus, this country became my second home. I married there once again. Throughout these wonderful years, I experienced the culture, the food, and the people up close. I would like to share with you here my time in Japan.
My adventure in Japan
Japan - a land of contrasts and fascinating opposites. Here, I not only began my career as a trainer, but also rediscovered myself, discovered my passion for local cuisine, and fell in love with the culture. I call Japan my home, even though I don't currently live there anymore.
How positive thinking has changed my life!
Football has shown me that the key to success lies not only in the legs but also in the mind. Positive thinking and self-discipline have greatly influenced my life.
Patricia Berger's Favorite Smoothie Recipe
I like to start my mornings with something healthy that also gives me an energy boost. My favorites: smoothies. They are quick to prepare, refreshing, and filling. Additionally, they contain lots of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.
Litti's Fast and Fitness Recipes
Soups are not only a welcome meal for me during cold months. They are flavorful, easy to cook, and enjoyable for days. But above all, they are healthy. Even after my athletic career, it is important for me to stay fit and healthy. Nutrition plays an essential role in this. I have selected and cooked my favorite soups for you. Enjoy trying them out!
Gray Hair: A Sign of Wisdom or Stress?
Many people can probably relate: The first gray hairs make you flinch. After all, gray hair is for many a sign of aging. But how do they actually form? And can stress really cause gray hair? Let’s explore these questions together.
Hands fall asleep at night? Paresthesia - a look at the causes and solutions.
It's a sensation that many of us are familiar with: you lie in bed, and your hands fall asleep at night. Your hands feel numb, and there's an uncomfortable tingling. This is the phenomenon where body parts "fall asleep."
Incontinence: Everything You Need to Know About Bladder Weakness and Urinary Incontinence
Incontinence is an issue that affects many people but is rarely openly addressed. However, it is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! If you or a loved one are dealing with bladder weakness or urinary incontinence, know that you are not alone.
Headaches – how do they occur and how can you prevent them?
Mild to paralyzing pain, pressing, throbbing, dull, or pulling - headaches occur in many different ways. In fact, experts distinguish between over 200 species. Unfortunately, headaches are the biggest health problem worldwide. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, over 70% of the population in Germany suffers from occasional or even chronic headaches.
These foods are natural nutrient bombs
Fatigue, lack of energy, demotivation - everyone knows days characterized by these mood killers. But did you know that you can counteract this with certain foods?
Sunscreen - what is important?
If you stand in front of the shelf with sunscreen in a drugstore, you quickly lose track. Everyone knows that sunscreen is important and protects against the sun's harmful rays. But what exactly does it protect us from and what should be considered?
Wie man die Hitze im Sommer übersteht: Tipps und Tricks
Der Sommer ist in vollem Gange und die Temperaturen klettern in die Höhe. Nicht nur alte Menschen, Kranke oder Übergewichtige belastet diese Tatsache tagtäglich. Ist es zu heiß, leiden auch junge und gesunde Menschen an der Hitze. Wie Sie die heißen Sommertage überstehen, lesen Sie hier.
Hyaluronsäure - was steckt dahinter?
In zahlreichen Werbespots, in Zeitschriftenanzeigen und in Drogeriemärkten lächeln uns glückliche Frauen und Männer mit straffer, strahlender Haut entgegen, die Hyaluronsäure als verjüngendes Schönheitsserum bewerben. Doch was ist Hyaluronsäure eigentlich genau? Wie wirkt sie? Wofür wird sie verwendet?
Tipps für einen gesunden Lifestyle
In unserem Alltag beschäftigen wir uns mit vielen Aufgaben und Pflichten. Die Familie und Partnerschaften, die Arbeit und die Erfüllung gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen nehmen viel Zeit und Kraft in Anspruch. Über allem sollte jedoch genug Zeit für eines stehen: unsere eigene Gesundheit! Dazu zählen die körperliche sowie die psychische Gesundheit.
Körper entgiften - so geht's
Detox – der Weg zu neuer Energie und einer Reinigung für den Körper?
Insbesondere zum Frühling fühlen sich viele schlapp. Der Wunsch steigt, wieder aktiver zu werden und den Körper nach dem Winter auf Vordermann zu bringen. In letzter Zeit fallen in diesem Zusammenhang öfter die Worte „Detox“ und „Entgiftung“. Entgiftungskuren sind wieder in Mode gekommen und versprechen allerlei Vorteile für Körper und Wohlbefinden. Doch was genau hat es mit Körper-Entgiftung auf sich?
Time for spring cleaning: How to clean successfully
It's slowly getting warm outside, the birds are starting to sing and the first warm rays of sunlight are falling through the dirty windows. It is time for spring cleaning! Every year, many people sweep away the winter fatigue along with all the dust and dirt that has accumulated over time. Here we show you how to effectively bring freshness, cleanliness and good humour back into your home thanks to spring cleaning!
Women's health - What do women have to pay particular attention to?
Women's health is a topic that is mostly neglected in our society. Women often don't even know what to look out for. Women should be aware that they not only have a different anatomical structure than men, but also different health needs.
Vitamin D – das Sonnenvitamin
Vitamin D ist ein wahres Multitalent, das an zahlreichen wichtigen Prozessen im Körper beteiligt ist. Doch wie kann unser Körper das Vitamin aufnehmen und was ist dabei zu beachten?
Lichtverschmutzung: Wenn Beleuchtung zur Belastung wird
Die Sonne geht unter und der rosa-rote Abendhimmel weicht langsam einem dunklen Blau voller funkelnder Sterne. Ein romantisches Bild, das Luxus geworden ist. Vor allem Stadtbewohner bekommen immer seltener die Sterne zu sehen.
Traumhafte Haare dank Biotin?
Viele Menschen beschäftigen sich im Laufe ihres Lebens irgendwann mit dem Thema Haarwachstum. Die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, muss aber nicht frustrierend sein.
Make protein bars yourself: a quick and easy healthy substitute!
Are you looking for a healthy alternative to sweets and want to meet your protein needs in a natural way?
Enjoy gluten free with gluten intolerance
A piece of marble cake in the café, a coq au vin with crispy baguette in the evening and your gastrointestinal tract goes crazy?
Superfood - The super Food
Superfood - this term denotes foods that provide more special vital substances and nutrients than conventional foods.
Tofu's long journey
Whether natural or refined, homemade or as a ready-made product - tofu is now literally on everyone's lips. But where does it originate?
Recognising and treating heart muscle inflammation
Inflammation of the heart muscle can be accompanied by completely atypical symptoms.
Fructose intolerance: When fructose becomes a problem
If you suffer from indigestion and abdominal pain after eating fruit, talk to your doctor. With a simple test, he or she can find out if you have fructose intolerance. This way you can be sure!
Dead vaccine: protection from the test tube
A cold spray, the needle, the plaster - what takes only a few seconds for some becomes what feels like an eternity for others.
House dust mites: Measures and home remedies against little pests
Allergy sufferers are not afraid of the monster under the bed.
When you can't breathe: Pneumonia
Pneumonia usually comes more quickly than you would like and hits you right in the gut.