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8 Reviews

Alfalfa Extract 4:1 125mg - 250 tablets

Alfalfa Extrakt 125mg bei Fairvital | Ihre natürliche Quelle für Multivitamine & verschiedene Mineralien-Sorten | Nahrungsergänzung aus Deutschland | Jetzt Bestellen!

Alfalfa Extract 4:1 125mg - 250 tablets

Alfalfa: natural minerals and trace elements

Botanical: Medicago sativa
Sanskrit: Lasunghas
English: Lucerne

What is Alfalfa?

Alfalfa can be primarily be found in Ayurveda and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). People in many parts of the Earth have been eating it for thousands of years. It is a plant from the species of Medicago and the family of legumes (Fabaceae).

Alfalfa is especially rich in:

  • provitamin A (carotenes)
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid, B12 (cobalamin)
  • vitamin C, D, E, K1 (phytomenadione), K2 (menaquinone)
  • easily resorbable minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorous
  • chlorophyll
  • enzymes
  • essential amino acids
  • trace elements

Benefits of the Alfalfa tablets

  • bulk pack with 250 tablets
  • small tablets, easy to swallow
  • no additives except microcrystalline cellulose
  • vegetarian and vegan
  • gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free
  • without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide
Properties + Intake
Application area: Ayurveda & TCM, Digestion, Immune system, Vegetarian
Compatibility: Fish-free, Fructose free, Lactose free, Nut free, Soy free, Vegan, Without gluten
Dosage form: Tablets

Three tablets contain:
Alfalfa extract 4:1 375mg
equivalent to Alfalfa 1500mg

Ingredients: bulking agent microcrystalline cellulose, alfalfa dry extract 4:1 (Medicago sativa L.)

Dimensions of the tablets  
Length 12mm
Width 6mm

Content: 250 tablets

Recommended consumption:
Adults 3 tablets daily with plenty of water.

Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


8 of 8 reviews

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars






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8 reviews

30 July 2020 23:09

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Sehr gutes produkt

Ich hatte dieses schon mal bewertet ich kann noch neue Erkenntnisse erzählen weiterhin gute blutwerte ich hatte eine Darmspiegelung vor der ich echt Angst hatte. Weil ich Glutenalergie habe .Und öfter mal was gegessen habe was ich nicht soll.kein Befund ich war so überrascht ich gehe voll davon aus das Alfalfa das verhindert hat.ich werde das bis Lebensende einnehmen.

28 November 2018 12:00

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Mein Heilpraktiker hat mir gegen meine Übersäuerung Alfalfa empfohlen. Jetzt, nach drei Wochen, ist er mit mir sehr zufrieden. Ich werde die tabletten weiter nehmen, weil sie mir gut tun und ich mich nicht immer an eine basische Ernährung halte.

4 November 2018 08:00

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

all ok

Excellent Service n Product,Thank You!

29 October 2011 21:39

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Mein Allgemeinbefinden hat sic...

Mein Allgemeinbefinden hat sich seit der Einnahme von Alfalfa deutlich gebessert. Meine Wechseljahrsbeschwerden wurden gemildert und ich bin gelassener und auch viel belastbarer geworden.

24 September 2011 20:46

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

klasse!!!!!! Habe Traumwerte b...

klasse!!!!!! Habe Traumwerte bei jeder Blutuntersuchung.

2 November 2010 12:49

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Ich verwende Alfalfa und Basic...

Ich verwende Alfalfa und Basic PH in Kombination um meinen Säure-Basen-Haushalt wieder auszugleichen; übermäßige Säure im Körper steht im direkten Zusammenhang zu den meisten Zivilisationskrankheiten unserer westlichen Welt. Alfalfa ist angenehm einzunehmen und schmeckt auch kaum bitter.

29 October 2010 18:13

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Ich kannte Alfalfa nur als Kei...

Ich kannte Alfalfa nur als Keimsaat für Sprossen und bin überrascht gewesen, das es dies auch in Tablettenform gibt. Habe ich dann gleich mal mit bestellt, und bin zufrieden damit, weil ich dann nicht immer die Arbeit mit den Sprossen habe.

21 October 2010 11:02

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Ich kenne Alfalfa schon seit v...

Ich kenne Alfalfa schon seit vielen Jahren, ist arabisch und heißt Vater der Nährstoffe. Optimale Nahrungsergänzung und gleicht auf jeden Fall auch den Säure- Basenhaushalt aus, mein Arzt fragt mich immer was ich besonderes nehme oder tue, da bei jedem jährlichen Test ich hervoragende Werte habe. Tolles Prodkut und hervoragender Preis, ausgezeichnet. Danke weiter so.

Kunden haben gesucht: "Detox"

Herbal DX - 90 Capsules
High-quality plant extracts combined with interesting vital substances This dietary supplement from Fairvital contains an excellent combination of traditional plant extracts, high-quality plant powders and the natural fiber psyllium husk and apple pectin.Two capsules a day are enough to support your well-being day after day. Dandelion root contains inulin The dandelion root contains numerous valuable ingredients, for which the dandelion has long been valued. In addition to the bitter substance taraxacin, sterols, flavonoids and mucilage, you can also find a number of vitamins (B vitamins, vitamins A, C and D) and minerals (iron, zinc and potassium). The content of choline and inulin is interesting. The latter is a dietary fiber that is considered a prebiotic and serves as an energy source for the beneficial intestinal bacteria. Fairvital's dandelion root extract has been 10 times concentrated. 100x concentrated garlic extract Garlic (Allium sativum) is particularly known for its distinctive smell, which not everyone finds pleasant. But the garlic bulb is full of important ingredients and should therefore not be completely banned from the diet. The main components of garlic are various sulfur compounds such as Alliin and Allicin. It also contains flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and essential oil. Standardized ginger root extract Ginger is particularly characterized by a natural ingredient: gingerol. It is responsible for the spiciness of ginger and was standardized in this extract to a content of 5%. Other substances in ginger are resin acids, vitamin C, essential oil , minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus as well as the trace element iron. Aloe Vera: 200x concentrated Real aloe is primarily known from the beauty and wellness sector, where it is a valuable ingredient in numerous lotions and creams. But aloe vera can also support well-being as a dietary supplement. The leaves contain the following natural substances and nutrients: salicylic acid, enzymes, amino acids, saponins, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the leaf gel contains the so-called acemannan, also known as aloverose. This is a mucopolysaccharide. Psyllium husks and apple pectin Psyllium husks, also known as psyllium, contain fiber (flosine mucus polysaccharides) that are able to bind 50 times their own weight in water and thus swell. Apple pectin is also a dietary fiber (polysaccharides) that binds water in the stomach and intestines and forms a gel. Dietary fibers are vegetable polysaccharides that are produced by the human organism mostly cannot be digested. However, they contribute to the increase in volume in the intestine, which is conducive to intestinal movement. Fennel, cayenne and clove Fennel is primarily known as a tea, but is also used as a spice. It is particularly characterized by its essential oils. Cayenne contains the natural alkaloid capsaicin, which is responsible for the sharpness. It also has thermogenic properties that lead to increased heat build-up in the body. Clove also contains numerous essential oils that give it its typical smell and taste. A variety of polyphenols can also be found in the clove.   Chlorella and DGL The freshwater alga Chlorella is particularly popular due to its diverse nutrients. In addition to vitamins (B12, K, E and C), minerals (magnesium, potassium and calcium) and trace elements (iron, zinc, copper , manganese). The carotenoids and chlorophyll they contain are also valuable. DGL (Deglycyrrhicinated Liquorice) is a licorice root extract that has had its glycyrrhizin, a saponin and triterpenoid, removed. In addition to numerous glycosides, liquorice root also contains flavonoids, isoflavones and coumarins. Psyllium capsules with vital substances

Content: 0.079 kg (€214.56* / 1 kg)

90 Capsules

Immediately available

From €16.95*
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Chlorella 400mg - 500 Tablets Chlorella 400mg - 500 Tablets

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Chlorella 400mg - 500 Tablets
Chlorella: Keeps you fit, active & vital If you are interested in a natural and particularly rich source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, Fairvital Chlorella is the right choice for you. The Freshwater algae contains numerous vital substances and activating components that help you to get and stay fit. Its unique combination of vital substances is also ideal for people who feel tired and listless, as chlorella helps build and maintain energy. Their content of vitamins B12, vitamin K, vitamin E and vitamin C as well as the minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium and the trace elements iron, manganese, zinc, copper and iodine make them a high-quality supplier of vital substances. In addition, it contains the valuable secondary plant substances carotenoids, lutein and chlorophyll as well as all proteinogenic amino acids, which include all essential amino acids. The freshwater algae Chlorella vulgaris used in our product is cultured in pure spring water with plenty of sunlight. Chlorella - a special algae The most interesting ingredient that is found in chlorella besides chlorophyll is the so-called chlorella growth factor (CGF = Chlorella Growth Factor). This is made up of amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, nucleic acids and glyconutrients (natural sugar). This complex compound is believed to be of great importance in increasing energy levels in the body. Buy Chlorella at Fairvital Bulk pack for signs of tiredness and a listless feeling supports a good level of performance vegetarian and vegan gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free Pure Substance without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Content: 0.2 kg (€217.25* / 1 kg)

500 Tablets

Immediately available

From €43.45*
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Barley Grass Powder 400g
Barley grass: holistic food with lots of health potential Botanical: Hordeum vulgare English: Barley grass Barley is known to us as fodder barley (winter barley) or as brewing barley (summer barley). In unmalted form, barley is processed into groats or pearl barley and occasionally also ground into flour. But there are other ways to use this type of grain. The young, green plants, also known as barley grass, can be wonderfully used to supplement everyday food with many natural vital substances. Buy barley grass powder Pure Substance Pure barley grass powder with no other additives High content of vital substances through gentle processing gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free vegetarian and vegan without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Content: 0.4 kg (€58.63* / 1 kg)

400 grams

Immediately available

From €23.45*
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Spirulina 500mg - 500 Tablets Spirulina 500mg - 500 Tablets

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Spirulina 500mg - 500 Tablets
High-dose spirulina This dietary supplement from Fairvital contains high-quality Spirulina platensis powder in the form of tablets. One tablet contains 500mg of spirulina, of which 5mg is chlorophyll. The tablets are free of additives. Spirulina algae The botanical name "Spirulina" means something like "little spiral". From a biological point of view, Spirulina is a bacterium from the class of cyanobacteria. Spirulina is still often incorrectly referred to as blue-green algae or blue-green microalgae. In contrast to plants, bacteria do not have a real cell nucleus. Ingredients of Spirulina First and foremost, spirulina is a good source of protein. It has an average protein content of 60% with all essential amino acids. For example, it is the richest source of beta-carotene and offers ten times more of it than the carrot. The B vitamins that are so well known today, vitamin E and beta-carotene are also included, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and important trace elements such as selenium, chromium, lithium, manganese, germanium, copper and many others. Spirulina also contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid. Buy Spirulina at Fairvital 500mg Spirulina per tablet 40mg chlorophyll per daily dose of 8 tablets Bulk pack of 500 tablets vegetarian and vegan gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free Pure Substance without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Content: 0.25 kg (€123.80* / 1 kg)

500 Tablets

Immediately available

From €30.95*
Product Quantity: Enter the desired amount or use the buttons to increase or decrease the quantity.

Kunden haben gesucht: "Basen-Balance"

Alkaline powder - 250g
Alkaline powder with zinc The trace element zinc is a multi-talent in our organism, because in addition to numerous other tasks such as supporting the immune system, it also contributes to the acid-base balance. More precisely, it is required by an enzyme (carbohydrase) in the kidney, which is involved in the excretion of excess acids. Furthermore, the alkaline powder contains the basic minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium, which is essential for electrolyte balance, as well as the trace elements iron, copper, molybdenum, chromium and selenium. All micronutrients are present in a form that is easily digestible by the body. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and copper are contained as citrates, selenium as organic selenium yeast, chromium as picolinate and molybdenum as sodium molybdate. Support the acid-base balance The term "acid-base balance" is a simplified description of the balance between acids and bases in the body and how the organism ensures that this balance is maintained. This balance, which is regulated by the organism itself, is called homeostasis. The measure for the acid-base balance is the pH value. The pH values can be classified as follows: pH 0 - 6.9 = acidic (the lower the value, the more acidic) pH 7 = neutral pH 7.1 - 14 = alkaline (the higher the value, the more alkaline) The normal value of blood in the human body is 7.35 - 7.45, i.e. in the slightly alkaline range. In this range the metabolic processes can run optimally. Fairvital's alkaline powder with zinc, magnesium, calcium and more can support the maintenance of a normal acid-base balance. Acidosis - is there something to it? The body has various effective buffering systems with which it prevents too many acids from accumulating in the body: the blood the lungs the kidneys the liver Contrary to what is often claimed, food itself cannot acidify the body. Although foods are divided into acid and base forming, they cannot influence the pH value in a healthy body. These acids are rather produced during digestion and metabolism. Minerals like zinc can support the natural buffer systems in the body very well. Alkaline powder by Fairvital combination of alkaline minerals and trace elements promotes a good acid-base balance supports the electrolyte balance for mineral deficiency highly bioavailable with delicious lemon flavour vegetarian and vegan gluten-free, lactose-free without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Content: 0.25 kg (€59.80* / 1 kg)

250 Grams

Immediately available

From €14.95*
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Oestro Balance - 120 capsules Oestro Balance - 120 capsules

Average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars

Oestro Balance - 120 capsules
Isoflavones Isoflavones or isoflavonoids belong to the secondary plant substances and more precisely to the plant pigments. They usually have a yellowish color. Chemically, isoflavones have a structural similarity to estrogens and androgens. Natural sources of isoflavones Well-known plants that serve as isoflavone sources include various types of clover such as red clover and soy. Soy isoflavones Fairvital food supplements contain isoflavones from soy: genistin, daidzin and glycitin. It also contains vitamin E and tocotrienols. Isoflavone capsules from Fairvital Soy isoflavones with vitamin E and tocotrienols easy to swallow gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free

Content: 0.065 kg (€260.77* / 1 kg)

Immediately available

From €16.95*
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Basic PH - 90 capsules Basic PH - 90 capsules

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Basic PH - 90 capsules
Basic PH: Just don't get mad! The acid-base balance of the human body is a very sensitive system that uses the body's own regulatory mechanisms (homeostasis) to ensure that the pH value of the blood remains constant. The body uses so-called physiological buffers that are naturally present in blood plasma. They include the phosphate buffer, the bicarbonate buffer, and the protein buffer. In addition, the kidneys, the liver and the Lungs involved in the regulation of the pH value. One factor that can primarily influence the acid-base balance is nutrition. But it is also dependent on the acid-base production in the stomach and heavy physical work or sporting activity. A balanced acid-base balance is essential for a healthy metabolism The metabolic processes in the organism can only run optimally with a balanced acid-base ratio. This pH range for the biochemical reactions in our body is therefore very limited. Outside of these values, they may only run insufficiently or even come to a complete standstill. The pH value is a measure of the strength of the acidic (0-7) or basic ( 7-14) Effect of an aqueous solution, where a value of 7 corresponds to "neutral". The physiological pH of blood in healthy people is 7.4 (+/- 0.05). When the pH changes, the equilibrium shifts either to the acidic range or to the basic range. While free H+ ions (hydrogen ions) are present on the acidic side, OH ions (hydroxide ions) are present on the basic side. Hydroxide ions bind positively charged particles of hydrogen ions to form water molecules, which increases the pH accordingly. Bases are, so to speak, the opponents of acids and can neutralize them. The balance between acids and bases plays an important role for a normal metabolism, as it is crucial for many processes in the body. This includes, for example, the structure and function of proteins, the permeability (permeability) of membranes, the distribution of electrolytes and the function of connective tissue. Advantages of the vegan Fairvital base powder capsules Basic PH from Fairvital has a beneficial and immediate effect if you use it after a sporting activity, for example. With calcium, magnesium, iron, horsetail, fennel and chamomile. alkaline excess combination of vital substances useful combination vegetarian and vegan gluten-free, lactose-free, fructose-free without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Content: 0.089 kg (€139.89* / 1 kg)

90 Capsules

Immediately available

From €12.45*
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