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These foods are natural nutrient bombs

These foods are natural nutrient bombs


Thanks to nutrient-rich food: Goodbye feeling of exhaustion!

Fatigue, lack of energy, demotivation - everyone knows days characterized by these mood killers. But did you know that you can counteract this with certain foods? In recent years, the term "superfood" has gained increasing popularity. But what exactly is behind this trend?

There is no precise guideline as to which foods are considered superfoods. Superfood refers to foods that are considered particularly health-promoting due to their exceptionally high nutrient density. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other valuable ingredients. The secondary plant substances it contains, such as colors, flavors and fragrances, are also said to have positive effects on the body.

A superfood can have a particularly high concentration of a valuable substance Have an ingredient or a favorable mixture of different ingredients. Some superfoods have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial or immune-modulating effects. Naturally, they also promote performance - a far better alternative to coffee and energy drinks, which can only increase energy levels for a short time.

Nutrient bombs for a strong immune system:

A strong immune system is crucial to preventing illness and keeping our bodies healthy and fit hold. Some superfoods are rich in antioxidants that can protect our cells from harmful free radicals.
Free Radicals are intermediate products of metabolism that occur naturally in every cell in the body. In addition, the development is promoted by alcohol and nicotine consumption, UV radiation, environmental toxins and an unbalanced diet. 

Free radicals show an unpaired electron and are therefore extremely reactive. 
This leads to them snatch electrons from potential reactants in order to achieve greater chemical stability. This process is called oxidation. Antioxidants help fight free radicals and protect the body's cells from oxidative stress. They include vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese and vitamin B2.

Perfect nutrient bombs:
  •  berries
  •  citrus fruits
  •  Spinach
  •  Broccoli
  •  Nuts
  •  Tomatoes
  •  Sea buckthorn

It should be noted that high quality foods usually have more antioxidants. In addition, vitamin C is not heat-resistant. These foods should be eaten raw or prepared gently.

Superfood for more energy:

  • Matcha tea: Thanks to the plant substances, the caffeine it contains slowly enters the blood - which promotes a long-lasting effect.
  • Quinoa: It naturally contains iron and magnesium. The micronutrients contribute to normal cognitive function and normal energy metabolism. The complex carbohydrates in quinoa are slowly released into the body, providing it with long-term energy. 
  • Bananas: The health value of this fruit is very high. They contain 3 different forms of sugar - fructose, sucrose and glucose - and are therefore continuous sources of energy. The sugar promotes the production of serotonin, which increases well-being. Bananas also contain health-promoting minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc, trace elements and vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • Dark chocolate: the darker it is, the higher the cocoa content and the healthier it is. It is said to increase the ability to concentrate and improve blood flow.
  • Water: Not exactly a superfood but still extremely important! It plays an important role as a transport medium for all nutrients. If too little water is consumed throughout the day, the blood becomes thicker, which means that oxygen and nutrients are delayed in reaching the brain and cells. This can cause a feeling of weakness. It is therefore essential to adequately cover your own water balance.

Of course there are countless other superfoods for all possible areas of application. These powerhouses have it all. They complement your everyday diet perfectly and can be easily integrated into it.