Litti's tips for a successful breakfast

Litti's tips for a successful breakfast

The best start to the day

When my alarm goes off in the morning, I often think quickly about what I could have for breakfast that day. While others can't eat a bite in the morning and don't feel hungry until midday, I'm always happy about a good breakfast. What could be better than starting the day with a fragrant cup of coffee and feeling full? I would love to have a leisurely brunch every day, but of course that's not possible. Unfortunately, on busy days there is often not enough time for long preparation. That's why many people often resort to quick alternatives such as a stop at the bakery.
I have prepared some tips here for all breakfast lovers. Because I've noticed how invigorating a healthy breakfast is. Start the morning feeling full of energy and vitality!

A healthy breakfast is important for several reasons

Energy: Our Body uses energy when thinking, moving and even doing nothing, i.e. simply in maintaining important body functions. If I If I have a lot planned, I like to eat an extra portion in the morning.

Feeling full: When I'm hungry, I eat something. That's why I eat breakfast every day. But if you don't feel hungry in the morning, you don't have to force yourself to eat. Listen to your body. If you don't have an appetite but are still lacking energy and exhausted in the morning, small healthy snacks or a smoothie make sense instead of a whole meal.

After a good breakfast, I also have more flexibility with my lunch time because my stomach doesn't react too early. This way I can organize my daily activities better.

Nutrients: Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and many more are the building blocks on which our health is built! A healthy breakfast provides the body with important nutrients right in the morning.

Ingredients for our health

A healthy and good breakfast is made up of a combination of nutrients that provide energy deliver and at the same time offer health benefits:

Whole grain products: High-quality grains such as whole grain bread or oatmeal provide complex carbohydrates, fiber and essential minerals .

High-protein, low-fat dairy products: Yoghurt, quark or milk offer high-quality protein that fills you up and supports muscle building. A breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins provides energy that helps to start the day actively and prevents early signs of fatigue.

Fresh fruits and vegetables: These provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Nuts and seeds: They offer healthy fats, proteins as well as vitamins and minerals that can contribute to heart health.

My favorite breakfast: Porridge

Formerly known as porridge, “porridge” has recently experienced a huge hype . But rightly so! This dish keeps you full for a long time thanks to its valuable fiber and can be topped with vitamin-rich fruits, nuts, protein-rich yoghurt or seeds.
The possible variations are limitless. And best of all: Porridge is very quick! You can also prepare it the evening before and then enjoy it cold in the morning.
Preparation: I like to boil 60 g of oat flakes with a cup of milk and a pinch of salt in a small pot for about 4 minutes. When it has a creamy consistency, it's ready.

At the moment I like to stir in a tablespoon of nut butter and top the whole thing with banana or other fruit that I have at home.

A super-quick breakfast is ready is the perfect source of energy for the day!

Healthy breakfast

For a healthy breakfast, there are also some foods and habits that you should ideally avoid:

Sugar-rich drinks and foods: These lead to rapid blood sugar spikes and drops, which can later lead to lack of energy and cravings.

Food that is too fatty and heavy: Food that is difficult to digest can put a strain on the body and affect your well-being in the morning.

Excessive caffeine consumption: While a coffee can have an invigorating effect, too much caffeine leads to nervousness and can disrupt the heart rhythm.

Highly processed foods: These often contain few nutrients and many additives that are not beneficial to health.

Eating too quickly: A leisurely, unhurried breakfast helps digestion.

At this point I wish you that from now on you wake up with a smile, looking forward to a good, healthy breakfast. Lay the foundation for a successful day.