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Cleaning ears properly

Cleaning ears properly

The majority of people attach great importance to a well-groomed appearance. For example, we treat our facial skin with luxurious care products every day, brush our hair and use fine body creams. Yet very few people think about their ears.

Although around 51 percent of Germans have ears, hardly anyone knows how to care for them properly and how to clean them. Therefore, read on and learn how to clean your ears properly. Have fun reading.


Ear wax – good or bad?

Sticky and yellow, earwax often disrupts our appearance. That is why many people try to rid their outer ear of the secretion. Whether with the help of cotton swabs, small, pointed objects or a finger: when it comes to ear care, we get creative. But most of us don't even know how important earwax is for our ear health 


Earwax,in technical jargon also called cerumen, has an important function. It forms a natural protective layer for the ear and keeps the ear moist and supple. In addition, the secretion protects against pathogens or foreign bodies.

Did you know that the ear cleans itself? The cerumen absorbs dirt such as dead skin cells, dust and foreign bodies. The fine cells in the ear canal then carry the earwax away towards the pinna.

That's why the cerumen cleans itself.

Therefore, the answer to the question „Earwax – good or bad?“ is clear! The protective secretion is from a medical point of view healthy and should not be removed.

Cleaning ears for earwax plugs


As with all bodily functions, it is possible that the body produces earwax. However, this has nothing to do with ear hygiene and varies from person to person. For example, the composition of cerumen changes with age. It becomes drier and influences the self-cleaning of the ear. However, middle ear surgery also has a negative effect on the self-cleaning of the sensory organ.

If a person has a middle ear surgery, the ear becomes drier.

With a cerumen production the dirt in the auditory canal cannot be properly transported away to the auricle. This can cause a plug to form and hearing to deteriorate. Experts estimate that the reduction in hearing caused by a plug of earwax is about 10 decibels.

For comparison: a quiet whisper is about 20 decibels.

Ear cleaning at the ENT

If the ear is ever found to be too dirty an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist can help. Affected people can have their ears cleaned regularly by a professional, at least once or twice a year. Ear cleaning by an ENT is done using fine instruments for suction or irrigation.

Important: Do NOT perform self-cleaning of the auditory canal by yourself! Since the eardrum is very sensitive, it can easily be injured or even burst.

As a rule, the statutory health insurances cover professional ear cleaning by the ear, nose and throat specialist.

What to do when your ear itches?

If you have a tickle in your ear or at the back of your ear, it is often caused by an infection. Such an infection occurs due to excessive cleanliness. That is why it is so important to clean the ears properly and in moderation.

Tips for clean ears

Cleaning your ears properly does not mean overdoing it! Experts recommend a maximum of one äußere cleaning of the auricle.


Cleaning the pinna

The outer part of the sensory organ can be cleaned easily. To do this, take a damp cloth and carefully rub off any excess earwax. Then dab the cleaned areas with a dry cloth. It is important not to forget the back of the ear. Dirt and sebum also accumulate behind the ear, which is how blackheads are formed.

If you prefer to clean the ear in one go while showering, use a gentle cleansing foam.Attention above all make sure that no water gets into the walkway. Water ingress can cause the earwax to swell and clog the ear.

Care for ears with Öl


To avoid dry patches of skin on the ear it helps to Öl. Pure olive, argan or coconut oil is recommended for this purpose. But babyöl also helps to keep ears supple.

Rub a few drops of öl into the clean skin of the ear. Massage the earlobes in particular with the nourishing oil – this works wonders.

Rub the skin of your ears with a few drops of Öl.